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The Agriculture Farm provides wheat, rice, sugar, vegetables and vegetable oils to the Common Kitchen and the mess for the Kirpal Sagar Academy. This land was barren, uneven, and unfit to yield anything. Now by the help of many volunteer workers the whole area has turned green and yields more than required.

One time Master stated that it is better to grow a blade of grass than to do a patriot’s work in one’s life.

On 16 November, 2006 the Organic & Modern Dairy Farm combined with a huge composting and biogas system was inaugurated by S.Jagmohan Singh Kang, Minister of Animal Husbandry, Fishery, Dairy Development and Tourism-Punjab. There are cows and buffaloes bred on the Farm providing sufficient milk for the Common Kitchen and the School Mess.



Farm - Kirpal SagarFarm at Kirpal Sagar







When Sant Kirpal Singh visited the Farm in October 1973, He pointed at the surroundings and said, "A time will come when about 800kg of pulses will be required daily. At least forty hectares of land will be needed."

Harbhajan Singh

Farm - Kirpal Sagar

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