Kirpal Bhawan is a function hall providing place for thousands of people participating in functions, celebrations and conferences.

During these events spiritual personalities as well as representatives of various religions and creeds give talks to a large audience gathering from all walks of life wishing to learn and understand the basic truths being the true essence of the Holy Scriptures. The basic subjects of these lectures is how to attain a direct connection with the inner Reality, and in a simple and clear language the sayings of the Saints and sages are explained and correlated.

Harbhajan Singh


Satsang is the central theme of the sacred teachings and I always impress upon the dear ones here and abroad not to miss it, as it is during these precious moments when you are near the fountain-head of bliss and immortality, that you grasp the true import of the teachings and assimilate the rare virtues of godliness, by sitting in the charged atmosphere which is filled with His loving life-impulses. Satsang is the sacred arena where spiritual stalwarts are built. It is the pool of nectar which grants blissful God-intoxication and all differences of caste, creed, or country sink down to their lowest ebb.

Sant Kirpal Singh


In front of the Satsanghall

Satsang is a great helping factor for spiritual progress. It is the divine grace of the Master which radiates in such holy congregations where the dear ones get together for imbibing the sacred teachings.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Read more:
Satsanghall – Kirpal Bhawan (opens in a new window)

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