Dr Harb­ha­jan ­Singh's re­port ­about ­Sant Kirpal Singh's ­last Pun­jab ­Tour in­cludes im­por­tant ­facts con­cern­ing ­His Mis­sion.


Amritsar - Centre, 12 - 15 October, 1973

After the birthday of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji all group leaders from Punjab approached Sant Kirpal Singh and stressed Him for a Punjab tour.

I said, "Master, I don't want You to give a programme in Punjab, it is summer season and Your health does not allow You to travel much. If even people from the West come to see Your Good Self here, so what is the problem for our people to come to Delhi from Punjab?" Some brothers told that Master was the Word personified form and nothing could happen to Him. At last Master said, "I can live with you for some time more, provided you use me in the right way."

The Sangat from Chandigarh insisted, "Chandigarh being a central place, Master must come to Chandigarh, and all brothers and sisters should come there." The Sangat from Ludhiana insisted, "Ludhiana is the central place, not Chandigarh." Then Master replied, "Well, get signatures from all Centres. I will stay at that Centre which will get the most signatures." Ludhiana-Centre got the most. Ram Singh from Ludhiana came to Amritsar to get my signature. I also gave the signature, but I wrote down, "Master, we ever have to bow down to Your wish."

Being the border city, Amritsar always got the last turn in the past. But when Ram Singh presented the application to the Master, He told him, "Now I must think over how to make the Punjab programme." Later on Master said, "This time I will go straight to Amritsar, and from there I will proceed to the other Centres." Master visited Amritsar on 12 October, 1973 and stayed there till the morning of 15 October.

On His arrival in Amritsar on 12 October, Master asked me, whether the list of Sevadars was ready. I said, "Master, no, it is not ready." Master asked, "Why not?" I answered, "Master, the Sevadars do change always. They do not appear at the proper time." Master further asked, "Is the list of the managing body ready?" I answered, "Yes, Master, it is ready, but not all are responsible. Duty without responsibility is mere a laugh." Master told me, "Well, would you manage all these affairs now or afterwards? Mind that, Amritsar-Centre is going to be the head quarter of spirituality in future."


Lay­ing ­the foun­da­tion ­stone in Nag Ka­lan

In ­the morn­ing of 14 Oc­to­ber, 1973, I ­went to Mas­ter ­and asked ­about ­the foun­da­tion ­stone of ­the clin­ic at my vil­lage, ­Nag Ka­lan. Master said, "Doctor, I will come to your house on five conditions." I asked about those conditions.

Master said, "First, the hospital of which I have to lay down the foundation stone belongs to me. Second, the house to be inaugurated also belongs to me. Third, the agriculture land also belongs to me. Fourth, the money you have or you will have also belongs to me. Fifth, your children from now onward also belong to me."

I said, "Master, then I am left alone?" Smilingly Master answered, "You also belong to me." I said, "Master, You already told me to get free so that You may use me in the Mission, so I am happy."

Master went to Nag Kalan, accompanied by a group of some brothers and sisters from the West. Before laying the foundation stone, Master first looked at Himself, then to the earth, then up to the sky. Some of the Western brothers and sisters asked about it and Master replied, "I am laying the foundation stone of the future Manav Kendra." Later I asked Master, why He did like that. He replied, "First, I saw to myself, whether I would be able to develop it. Second, whether this land is fit for foundation. Third, I sought permission from above."

In the court of the house, Master made a Satsang. So many people came there that we had to remove a wall separating our house from the neighbour house. During the Satsang Master asked two times, "Have you made a room for me?" My wife answered, "Master, we made Your room first, and then we constructed the house." After finishing the Satsang, Master went to the Masterroom. He ordered, "Except you and your wife no one should come in." However, my brother-in-law, Inderpal Singh, had already gone inside.

Inside the room there was a new bed which we got made for the Master. While Master sat on the bed, the bed started to crack. Hearing the cracking, I was afraid that the carpenter in hurry had not made a good bed. Looking at me, Master said, "Don't worry, when Baba Sawan Singh came into my room, there was such a vibrating Sound that the walls of my room got cracked."

Then Master asked me, "You never demanded anything so far. Today you can ask." I said, "Master, today I will ask for something." Master said, "Yes, tell, what is your demand?" I replied, "Master, Your Mission must flourish throughout the world." Master was taking oranges and was just putting one piece of orange on His lips. He took it back and put it into my mouth. "So far," He said, "a lot of people came to me for worldly problems, some blessed ones also came to me for meditation, but so far nobody said this thing. So I give it to you, but see that you have to forsake the warm beds."

Master told further, "Mission is the tree, whereas meditation, virtues etc. are its offshoots, blossoms and fruits. If the tree is cut, everything else will finish. Master's Mission is very dear to Him. Many times Masters and their true disciples sacrificed their lives for the Truth (Mission) in the world."

Next day, after Master's departure we went to Master's room for meditation. We saw that on almost all sides below the roof a big crack had appeared in the room.

Some people who had problems in their meditation came there off and on and were benefitted. Sometimes some persons would ask us, "Your whole house is well built, why are these cracks in the Master's room?" We told them that much water had entered in its foundation, so the cracks appeared. We later requested the Master, and He told us to replace the roof.


Sevadar's meeting

On October 14, Sant Kirpal Singh held a meeting for the Sevadars. During this meeting He mentioned that a difficult time would come up in India, similar to that of Guru Gobind Singh, and added that internal fights are generally more dangerous than attacks from outside. With this remark to Bhaji, Master had in mind that after His departure lots of difficulties would arise within the Sangat. He knew very well that Bhaji was the one who would stand firmly in all difficulties. So Master asked Bhaji, how many battalions he would provide him if there would be a fight. Bhaji asked Master, "Why do you need many battalions?" Sant Kirpal Singh thought for a while and replied, "Well then, now as you come as the only one, He can take work from one."

At midnight, while Master was distributing Parshad, He asked me, "From where did Subash Chander Bose fight for the independence of India?" I said, "Master, I don't know, You know better." (It was from Germany that Subash Chander Bose fought for the independence of India against the British.) Giving me Parshad Master pressed my hand and guestured me to follow Him into His room. There He said, "We will start our work from West Germany." I replied, "Master, but we already have some existing centres there." Master did not answer, but I saw His eyes fill with tears.


Master gave parshad

On 14 October, Master was in the Amritsar-Centre. Mr. Mohan, the car driver of the Master, whom He used to love very much, prepared the food in the kitchen of the Master. Master was taking the food in the kitchen, when unknowingly I opened the door to search for Mohan. Seeing me, Master asked me to come in and I did so. Master stood up and said, "Half of my food is still left here, you take it." I replied, "Master I opened the door not knowing that You are here, and I pledge that I won't do that again." But Master insisted on it and said, "I give you this food with all love."

Mohan told me, "So far Master has never given His own food from His plate while eating. You are fortunate, take it." In the evening Master again while taking His food asked Mohan, whether there was some dough left. Some was left and he gave it to Master. Master took it in His hand, pressed it a little while, gave it back to Mr. Mohan and told him, "Make one chapati out of the whole dough and give it to Doctor and his wife. See, that it is only for them and not for anyone else."


Commissioning the future Manav Kendra

On 24 October, 1973, while in Nawanshar, Master got sick. I went to Master and begged leave for a few hours. I had to visit the Agriculture Farm of the Master, where the Sangat from the Amritsar-Centre was already working in reaping the paddy crops. Master Himself had given this farm to the Amritsar-Centre to feed the Common Kitchen there.

Amritsar was the first Centre in India where Master told to take up the very old tradition of a Common Kitchen.

Master told me, "It is still enough time, wait, I will also go there." This was the first time that Master Himself said that He wanted to visit the Farm. Master reached the Agriculture Farm and asked me to bring some water from the tube-well which was already running, and I brought also some rice. He took one seed of rice and a glass of water from there and said, "If you do not get that land which I saw in Amritsar, then this land here is also very good. Here at least 100 acres of land are needed towards this direction." He pointed into the direction where now Kirpal Sagar is being built.

"You should also sow beans, as a time will come, when nearly eight maunds will be needed every day. (One maund is equal to 100 kg.) It will become a pilgrimage place in future for all over the world." Then Master said, "The Manav Kendra which I wanted to build is not yet built. It will be built here." After some time, while in Delhi, I asked Master about the significance of this place. He replied, "Time will tell."


Diwali with Sant Kirpal Singh in Ludhiana

We used to celebrate the Diwali festival with Master. My wife and me, Kulwant Singh, and Ranbir Singh from Chandigarh went very late to Ludhiana. Master was still sitting in bed holding a warm towel on the right side of His face. When I asked Master, He told me that He had a severe toothache and since morning He could not take any food though He took many medicines, which gave Him only a momentary relief. I said, "Master, I have such a good prescription with me which will relieve You in few seconds." Master replied, "This is not possible, I have already taken a lot of medicine the whole day." I said again, "It will help as sure as two and two make four."

Since it was 11 p. m. Master said, "How will you get those ingredients and these leaves when the shops are closed?" I looked up and saw the same tree beside the room of the Master. I prepared the medicine. Master gargled two, three times, and the pain subsided at once. Master asked me, "From where did you get such a good prescription?" I said that it was from my Master, since one time, when I suffered very much from toothache Master had told this prescription to my wife within, and I was relieved. Then Master said, "Now I want food." It came to me that Master one time said, "When the child is hungry, the father is also hungry." It is a lesson.

It happens sometimes that we have some problem in the house and we do not take food. People leave the house, they are hungry, they get emotional with mind; Master says, "Their master is never happy." So in this way I thought; and we also felt that due to much work we had not taken anything and Master didn't take anything. Then Taiji was cooking and when she was serving the food to us, Master said, "I am more hungry than them. I also need the food." Taiji said, "Yes", and Master said, "I love everybody, but nobody loves me." Taiji replied, "He who loves You becomes ‘a wanderer of the wood' (Punjabi word), and he who doesn't love you, he also becomes a ‘wanderer'. Those who love You lose their heart and then they lose their head also. Those who do not love You are so identified in the world, they don't have their head and heart together, too."


Amritsar-Centre, front view 1980
Sant Kirpal Singh's room at Amritsar
Sant Kirpal Singh laying the foundation stone
Trowel and vessel used by Sant Kirpal Singh for laying the foundation stone
Sant Kirpal Singh with Dr Harbhajan Singh; just after laying the foundation stone the mason is applying the plaque

During His sickness Sant Kirpal Singh had said, "We will open an eye-clinic where we will operate the outer and the inner eye."


Sant Kirpal Singh during the Punjab Tour, October 1973
Parshad given by Sant Kirpal Singh to Dr Harbhajan Singh and his wife
Waterpump at the farm where Sant Kirpal Singh took a glass of water and one seed of rice
Sant Kirpal Singh during the Punjab Tour, 1973
Sant Kirpal Singh distributing Parshad, 1973

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